Muscle Management® for Rebalancing the Lower Back and Hips.
Thank you all for your incredible enthusiasm!
The class has officially reached full capacity.
I'm creating a waiting list to accommodate those still eager to join. If a spot opens up, this will provide an opportunity to attend.
Click here to email me, and I'll gladly add you to the list.
Looking ahead, I'll be returning to Salt Lake City with the Visceral class and my 6-hour Knee class. Stay tuned for more opportunities to learn and grow!
Remember when our bodies healed more efficiently?
The body requires movement of many things to heal.
Stuck and Stagnant are not healthy.
This analogy may help you understand.
Musculoskeletal homeostasis and the body's 'GPS.'
Musculoskeletal homeostasis is the body's continuous process of maintaining balance and adapting to changes, using the muscles, bones, and connective tissues as a kind of internal 'GPS' to guide and support these efforts.
The Car's GPS:
• Goal-Oriented Navigation: GPS guides the car to a specific destination. If the route changes due to traffic, detours, or road closures, the GPS recalculates and adapts the path to stay on course.
• Constant Adjustments: The system continuously monitors the car's position and provides real-time corrections to ensure the car stays on track.
• Compensation for Errors: When the driver veers off the suggested path, the GPS compensates by recalculating, sometimes leading to longer, less efficient routes.
Musculoskeletal Homeostasis:
• Striving for Balance: The body uses its muscles to maintain equilibrium, ensuring that posture, movement, and internal processes support optimal function. Like the GPS, it continuously recalculates muscle tension to achieve this balance. This is called the vestibular righting reflex.
• Constant Adaptation: Muscles, bones, and connective tissues adjust in response to external forces, habitual movements, injuries, or imbalances. These adaptations are the body's way of "re-routing" to maintain functionality.
• Compensation and Tension: Just as a GPS might take a more complicated route to avoid obstacles, the body compensates for structural or functional imbalances by recruiting different muscles or altering movement patterns. This can lead to muscular tension, overuse, and even chronic pain as the body tries to "correct" itself.
The Result:
While the car eventually reaches its destination, repeated recalculations can lead to inefficiencies in the journey.
Similarly, when the body's core is out of balance, it obsessively seeks to return to balance. These constant adjustments create muscular tension and compensation patterns that can disrupt the body's natural equilibrium, leading to discomfort or dysfunction.
This analogy underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of imbalance in the musculoskeletal system, just as proactive driving and accurate GPS inputs prevent unnecessary detours.
The core principles of The Berry Method® acknowledge, respect, and respond to how muscular adaptations and compensations create an underlying tension that impacts the entire body.
These continuous adaptations and compensations create 'Background noise' the interfers with other important movements.
'Stuck and Stagnant' is not healthy.
The vestibular reflex remains activated until core muscular-skeletal balance and homeostasis are restored. This interferes with various processes throughout the body.
Taum’s upcoming ‘Rebalancing the Lower Back and Hips’ class focuses on reducing those core muscular adaptations and compensations.
Indications that Lower Back and Hips are out of Balance:
- Chronic Pain: Persistent discomfort in areas like the lower back, neck, shoulders, or hips can signal imbalances or compensations in the musculoskeletal system.
- Postural Misalignment: Visible imbalances such as rounded shoulders, a forward head position, uneven hips, leg length differential, or an exaggerated curvature of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, or scoliosis).
- Restricted Range of Motion: Difficulty moving joints freely or stiffness in areas like the shoulders, hips, or spine.
- Uneven Muscle Tone: Overdeveloped or underdeveloped muscles on one side of the body, often due to compensatory patterns or poor biomechanics.
- Frequent Injuries: Recurring injuries such as sprains, strains, or overuse injuries, which can result from improper load distribution via ‘Core’ imbalance.
- Fatigue or Weakness: A general sense of muscular fatigue or instability during daily activities or exercise, indicating poor core or foundational strength.
- Balance Issues: Difficulty maintaining balance or coordination during static positions (like standing) or dynamic movements.
- Breathing Patterns: Shallow, chest-dominant breathing instead of diaphragmatic breathing, often linked to tension in the core muscles.
- Gait Abnormalities: Changes in walking patterns, such as limping, uneven stride length, or excessive pronation/supination of the feet.
- Joint Pain or Clicking: Pain, stiffness, or audible clicking in joints like the knees, hips, or shoulders, indicating misalignment or strain.
- Headaches: Tension headaches caused by muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders, or jaw.
- Digestive or Pelvic Dysfunction: Issues such as constipation, bloating, or pelvic floor dysfunction, which can be influenced by improper core muscular engagement and alignment.
Addressing these signs through targeted interventions like those taught in The Berry Method® can help restore balance and improve overall well-being.

6-NCBTMB CE's Tuesday, January 28th, 10-5
Location:Yugen Wellness Center.
Often referred to as the 'Core', this region's state of balance influences the entire body's health.
This 6-hour class focuses on corrective massage techniques for rebalancing regional muscles that often play a central role in maintaining balance and pain-free movement in the Lower Back and Hip region.
As each soft tissue is presented, rebalancing techniques to stretch, correct, and manipulate that specific soft tissue will be presented, practiced, and reviewed.
This will include precision assessment, palpation, and application of corrective massage techniques focusing on the following soft tissues that influence Core Balance:
- Quadratus Lumborum,
- Iliocostalis Lumborum,
- Iliocostalis Thoracis,
- Ilio-Lumbar Ligament,
- Multifidi,
- Rectus Abdominis,
- Psoas,
- Vastus Lateralis,
- Biceps Femoris,
- Gluteal muscles,
- Sacrotuberous/Sacroiliac Ligaments.
The class will be held at Yugen Wellness Center.
The information on this website and in Taum’s classes is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or any other health care provider.
Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider. We suggest you send them the link to this page for their approval.
Our intent is not to replace any relationship that exists or should exist between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional.
You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health.
Once again, you know best your own body and its limits.
Respect those limits.
Taum Sayers and Muscle Management® Class Policies.
Live classes are limited to practicing therapists.
Course content and development:
Course content is primarily influenced by Taum's apprenticing with Lauren Berry, which began in 1978, and later as an assistant teacher in his classes. Taum continues interacting and co-teaching with other certified Berry Method® Practitioners/Teachers and health care professionals.
Informational resources include materials regarding the Berry Method® and other relevant published works.
For example:
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction - The Trigger Point Manual, by Janet Travell.
-The published works of Dr. Rene Cailliet, my one-time personal Physician. (God Bless you, Dr. Cailliet…good story:-)
Class presentations are updated and revised as student feedback warrants and knowledge evolves. At the end of each class, students complete a class evaluation form. This evaluation process has been constructive in keeping the classes current and worthwhile for future students.
The sole instructor for these courses is to be Taum Sayers.
Taum is a certified Berry Method® Teacher and Practitioner.
Course flyers are produced on a computer and made available via postings at massage schools, on in the class schedule section, via email, regular mail, Facebook, and by request. Flyers include information regarding Taum Sayer's training and experience.
Each promotion often includes a reference to Taum Sayers Certifications.
"Taum Sayers is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider under Category A." Provider # 152386-00
Tuition, Registration, available discounts, and refund policies:
The tuition fee for workshops may vary depending on the expenses related to the class.
Registrations require a deposit to hold the space.
As long as there is room in the course, the registration deadline is the first day of class via cash or credit card.
When advanced registrations are offered, there may be a discount; the remaining fee is due at the beginning of/by/on the first day of the class. Deposits are non-refundable, barring an emergency or unique situation determined on a case-by-case basis. Any refunds will be via check or electronic funds transfer (minus up to a $100 processing fee).
Cancellation policy: Students may designate a qualified substitute to attend and then credit their deposit to that substitute's class fee. Any early registration discount for the substitute is waived. Any refunds will be made via check or electronic funds transfer (minus up to a $100 processing fee) within 3 weeks. All designation requests must be received 2 weeks before class starts. No changes will be made after that date.
All registration money will be refunded to students if registrations fall short of class financial requirements.
American Disabilities Act: Facilities will be handicap accessible. When students call and identify themselves as disabled, the instructor will discuss their needs and how to accommodate them in the classroom best. Students must notify the instructor of special requirements before the beginning of the class, allowing adequate time for reasonable allowances to be made. As listed in the ADA, allowances for special needs will be met as long as they do not impose an "undue burden" on the instructor.
There is no discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Class records and student transcript policy: Records and transcripts will be maintained and stored within a secure file cabinet or on an electronic data storage unit for four years by Taum Sayers.
Student transcripts will be reproduced only per student request at a minimum charge.
Phones in Class:
To maintain a focused and distraction-free environment, we kindly ask all participants to turn their phones off during class. Thank you for your cooperation.
Photographs and Videos:
Photography and video recording of class content are strictly prohibited except by Taum's designated photographer. If you prefer not to appear in photographs or videos taken during the class, please notify Taum and the designated photographer in advance.
Muscle Management® for Rebalancing the Lower Back and Hips.
Thank you all for your incredible enthusiasm!
The class has officially reached full capacity.
I'm creating a waiting list to accommodate those still eager to join. If a spot opens up, this will provide an opportunity to attend.
Click here to email me, and I'll gladly add you to the list.
Looking ahead, I'll be returning to Salt Lake City with the Visceral class and my 6-hour Knee class. Stay tuned for more opportunities to learn and grow!
Indications that Lower Back and Hips are out of Balance:
- Chronic Pain: Persistent discomfort in areas like the lower back, neck, shoulders, or hips can signal imbalances or compensations in the musculoskeletal system.
- Postural Misalignment: Visible imbalances such as rounded shoulders, a forward head position, uneven hips, leg length differential, or an exaggerated curvature of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, or scoliosis).
- Restricted Range of Motion: Difficulty moving joints freely or stiffness in areas like the shoulders, hips, or spine.
- Uneven Muscle Tone: Overdeveloped or underdeveloped muscles on one side of the body, often due to compensatory patterns or poor biomechanics.
- Frequent Injuries: Recurring injuries such as sprains, strains, or overuse injuries, which can result from improper load distribution via ‘Core’ imbalance.
- Fatigue or Weakness: A general sense of muscular fatigue or instability during daily activities or exercise, indicating poor core or foundational strength.
- Balance Issues: Difficulty maintaining balance or coordination during static positions (like standing) or dynamic movements.
- Breathing Patterns: Shallow, chest-dominant breathing instead of diaphragmatic breathing, often linked to tension in the core muscles.
- Gait Abnormalities: Changes in walking patterns, such as limping, uneven stride length, or excessive pronation/supination of the feet.
- Joint Pain or Clicking: Pain, stiffness, or audible clicking in joints like the knees, hips, or shoulders, indicating misalignment or strain.
- Headaches: Tension headaches caused by muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders, or jaw.
- Digestive or Pelvic Dysfunction: Issues such as constipation, bloating, or pelvic floor dysfunction, which can be influenced by improper core muscular engagement and alignment.
Addressing these signs through targeted interventions like those taught in The Berry Method® can help restore balance and improve overall well-being.
Remember when our bodies healed more efficiently?
This analogy may help you understand.
Musculoskeletal homeostasis and the body's 'GPS.'
Musculoskeletal homeostasis is the body's continuous process of maintaining balance and adapting to changes, using the muscles, bones, and connective tissues as a kind of internal 'GPS' to guide and support these efforts.
The Car's GPS:
• Goal-Oriented Navigation: GPS guides the car to a specific destination. If the route changes due to traffic, detours, or road closures, the GPS recalculates and adapts the path to stay on course.
• Constant Adjustments: The system continuously monitors the car's position and provides real-time corrections to ensure the car stays on track.
• Compensation for Errors: When the driver veers off the suggested path, the GPS compensates by recalculating, sometimes leading to longer, less efficient routes.
Musculoskeletal Homeostasis:
• Striving for Balance: The body uses its muscles to maintain equilibrium, ensuring that posture, movement, and internal processes support optimal function. Like the GPS, it continuously recalculates muscle tension to achieve this balance. This is called the vestibular righting reflex.
• Constant Adaptation: Muscles, bones, and connective tissues adjust in response to external forces, habitual movements, injuries, or imbalances. These adaptations are the body's way of "re-routing" to maintain functionality.
• Compensation and Tension: Just as a GPS might take a more complicated route to avoid obstacles, the body compensates for structural or functional imbalances by recruiting different muscles or altering movement patterns. This can lead to muscular tension, overuse, and even chronic pain as the body tries to "correct" itself.
The Result:
While the car eventually reaches its destination, repeated recalculations can lead to inefficiencies in the journey.
Similarly, when the body's core is out of balance, it obsessively seeks to return to balance. These constant adjustments create muscular tension and compensation patterns that can disrupt the body's natural equilibrium, leading to discomfort or dysfunction.
This analogy underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of imbalance in the musculoskeletal system, just as proactive driving and accurate GPS inputs prevent unnecessary detours.
The core principles of The Berry Method® acknowledge, respect, and respond to how muscular adaptations and compensations create an underlying tension that impacts the entire body.
These continuous adaptations and compensations create 'Background noise' the interfers with other important movements.
'Stuck and Stagnant' is not healthy.
The vestibular reflex remains activated until core muscular-skeletal balance and homeostasis are restored. This interferes with various processes throughout the body.
Taum’s upcoming ‘Rebalancing the Lower Back and Hips’ class focuses on reducing those core muscular adaptations and compensations.

Tuesday, January 28th, 10-5
Yugen Wellness Center.
4455 S 700 E #201, Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Class size is limited to 10.
The class is full. I will return.Often referred to as the 'Core', this region's state of balance influences the entire body's health.
This 6-hour class focuses on corrective massage techniques for rebalancing regional muscles that often play a central role in maintaining balance and pain-free movement in the Lower Back and Hip region.
As each soft tissue is presented, rebalancing techniques to stretch, correct, and manipulate that specific soft tissue will be presented, practiced, and reviewed.
This will include precision assessment, palpation, and application of corrective massage techniques focusing on the following soft tissues that influence Core Balance:
- Quadratus Lumborum,
- Iliocostalis Lumborum,
- Iliocostalis Thoracis,
- Ilio-Lumbar Ligament,
- Multifidi,
- Rectus Abdominis,
- Psoas,
- Vastus Lateralis,
- Biceps Femoris,
- Gluteal muscles,
- Sacrotuberous/Sacroiliac Ligaments.
The class will be held at Yugen Wellness Center.
The information on this website and in Taum’s classes is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or any other health care provider.
Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider. We suggest you send them the link to this page for their approval.
Our intent is not to replace any relationship that exists or should exist between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional.
You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health.
Once again, you know best your own body and its limits.
Respect those limits.
Taum Sayers and Muscle Management® Class Policies.
Live classes are limited to practicing therapists.
Course content and development:
Course content is primarily influenced by Taum's apprenticing with Lauren Berry, which began in 1978, and later as an assistant teacher in his classes. Taum continues interacting and co-teaching with other certified Berry Method® Practitioners/Teachers and health care professionals.
Informational resources include materials regarding the Berry Method® and other relevant published works.
For example:
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction - The Trigger Point Manual, by Janet Travell.
-The published works of Dr. Rene Cailliet, my one-time personal Physician. (God Bless you, Dr. Cailliet…good story:-)
Class presentations are updated and revised as student feedback warrants and knowledge evolves. At the end of each class, students complete a class evaluation form. This evaluation process has been constructive in keeping the classes current and worthwhile for future students.
The sole instructor for these courses is to be Taum Sayers.
Taum is a certified Berry Method® Teacher and Practitioner.
Course flyers are produced on a computer and made available via postings at massage schools, on in the class schedule section, via email, regular mail, Facebook, and by request. Flyers include information regarding Taum Sayer's training and experience.
Each promotion often includes a reference to Taum Sayers Certifications.
"Taum Sayers is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider under Category A." Provider # 152386-00
Tuition, Registration, available discounts, and refund policies:
The tuition fee for workshops may vary depending on the expenses related to the class.
Registrations require a deposit to hold the space.
As long as there is room in the course, the registration deadline is the first day of class via cash or credit card.
When advanced registrations are offered, there may be a discount; the remaining fee is due at the beginning of/by/on the first day of the class. Deposits are non-refundable, barring an emergency or unique situation determined on a case-by-case basis. Any refunds will be via check or electronic funds transfer (minus up to a $100 processing fee).
Cancellation policy: Students may designate a qualified substitute to attend and then credit their deposit to that substitute's class fee. Any early registration discount for the substitute is waived. Any refunds will be made via check or electronic funds transfer (minus up to a $100 processing fee) within 3 weeks. All designation requests must be received 2 weeks before class starts. No changes will be made after that date.
All registration money will be refunded to students if registrations fall short of class financial requirements.
American Disabilities Act: Facilities will be handicap accessible. When students call and identify themselves as disabled, the instructor will discuss their needs and how to accommodate them in the classroom best. Students must notify the instructor of special requirements before the beginning of the class, allowing adequate time for reasonable allowances to be made. As listed in the ADA, allowances for special needs will be met as long as they do not impose an "undue burden" on the instructor.
There is no discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Class records and student transcript policy: Records and transcripts will be maintained and stored within a secure file cabinet or on an electronic data storage unit for four years by Taum Sayers.
Student transcripts will be reproduced only per student request at a minimum charge.
Phones in Class:
To maintain a focused and distraction-free environment, we kindly ask all participants to turn their phones off during class. Thank you for your cooperation.
Photographs and Videos:
Photography and video recording of class content are strictly prohibited except by Taum's designated photographer. If you prefer not to appear in photographs or videos taken during the class, please notify Taum and the designated photographer in advance.