Rebalancing the Neck region.


To maintain quality, class size is limited.

Soft tissue focus

All of these tissues influence the Neck and Upper Back:

Iliocostalis Cervicis and Thoracis.
Serratus Posterior Superior.
Serratus Anterior.
Pectoralis Major.Minor.
Nuchal and Supraspinatus ligament.
Joint Capsules.
Semispinalis Cervicis and Thoracis.
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis.



Medical disclaimer:

Many of us have tension and pain in our own upper back and neck regions. You may very well find tension and pain reduction during the class.

The class includes applying and receiving corrective massage pressure and practicing with other students. 

Participants can expect the class to include Taum demonstrating the pressure and direction (The 'Feel') for each corrective massage technique. 

Be sure to inform Taum of your painful areas before he demonstrates so he can avoid increasing your pain. 

This class is all about reducing pain, not increasing it.

The information on this website and in Taum's classes is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or other health care provider. 

Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider. We suggest you send them the link to this page.

Our intent is not to replace any relationship that exists or should exist between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional.

You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health.

You know best your own body and its limits.

You are responsible for protecting those limits.

Respect those limits.


Find it, Feel it, Fix it.
A client presents neck issues.
You can feel a variety of muscle tensions... now what?

This class offers answers.

Rest assured, this class is not just about theoretical knowledge.

It's about equipping you with practical, immediately applicable tactile skills that will enhance your practice and benefit your clients.

Your Joomla Page

The emphasis is balance and flexibility.

Taum's approach is based on his apprenticeship with Lauren Berry and his 40 years of study, practice, and teaching of The Berry Method®.

This 6-hour class focuses on corrective techniques for rebalancing the regional muscles that play a central role in maintaining balance and pain-free movement in the neck region.

This class not only enhances your understanding but also equips you with precision techniques, enabling you to understand and utilize powerful tactile tools for helping your clients.

Rest assured, this class is not just about theoretical knowledge.


Find it, Feel it, Fix it.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will demonstrate proficiency in corrective massage, which includes precision palpation and application of therapeutic corrective massage techniques.

This course will help attendees understand how to utilize corrective massage techniques to support the upper back and neck region's innate balance and pain-free movement patterns.


Learn more about the relationship your neck has with your skin.


Muscular-Skeletal Homeostasis

When standing, our central nervous system continuously monitors, manages, and maintains our body's relationship with gravity. This background process is natural, unconscious, and automatic.

This helps us understand that, at a primal level, we all share a common reaction to falling.

The medical term for this is 'Muscular-Skeletal Homeostasis,' derived from the Greek words for "same" and "steady." Physical balance is an important component of Homeostasis and is active whenever we are upright.

When the upper back and neck regions send the 'pain' signal, one way to interpret the message is that unbalanced tensions have exceeded the body's ability to adapt.

The Fundamentals of Corrective Massage

 A Holistic approach.

It serves to remember that we, as therapists, do not heal anything. We simply recognize, respect, and support the body's 'built-in' healing ability.

  Corrective Massage recognizes the importance of balanced relationships, movements, and interactions throughout the body's soft tissues*. These relationships include natural anatomical positions and functionally balanced movement unimpeded by soft tissue tension.

  Functional balance implies that our soft tissues are working harmoniously to support pain-free, healthy movement and function. 

  In Taum's world of Corrective Massage, considering all bodily movement as an orchestration of soft tissue relationships is a fundamental principle and starting point.
These foundational principles include familiarity with
Equilibrium and Homeostasis. AKA Balance.

For example: Walking initially appears to be a simple activity. It actually involves a complex orchestration of numerous soft tissues.

A symphony of movement:

Our body requires over 200 of our 600 muscles to take one step. Of those 200, many serve as compensating adapters working in the background to keep us upright as we walk. While all our weight is on the right foot, those background muscles are adapting and counterbalancing so we do not fall over.

Each and every soft tissue plays a vital role in the body's ability to move and adapt to unbalanced tensions. 

Our bodies can adapt to those tensions. 

But only so far... 

Limping is an example of crossing the adaptation line.

  Pain serves as an alert that unbalanced tension has exceeded the body's ability to adapt, and corrective therapy is required.

  The foundational focus of this unique therapy is to interpret the alert and then identify and correct the soft tissue tensions and imbalances that have created those alerts.

  Corrective massage has repeatedly proven to be an efficient and effective method to reduce and relieve pain. 

I hope this information serves you and those you serve.

signature taum

*Muscles, tendons, ligaments, membranes, and viscera.

Registering for this class indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to the above information referencing 'The Medical Disclaimer information and Taum's Class Policies.'


After registering, the class preparation webpage opens up, which consists primarily of videos.



700 Full Registration





Rebalancing the Neck region.


To maintain quality, class size is limited.

Soft tissue focus

All of these tissues influence the Neck and Upper Back:

Iliocostalis Cervicis and Thoracis.
Serratus Posterior Superior.
Serratus Anterior.
Pectoralis Major.Minor.
Nuchal and Supraspinatus ligament.
Joint Capsules.
Semispinalis Cervicis and Thoracis.
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis.



Register for this amazing class

Registering for this class indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to the information below referencing 'The Medical Disclaimer information and What to expect.'


After registering, the class preparation webpage opens up.


700 Full Registration





Find it, Feel it, Fix it.
A client presents neck issues.
You can feel a variety of muscle tensions... now what?

This class offers answers.

Rest assured, this class is not just about theoretical knowledge.

It's about equipping you with practical, immediately applicable tactile skills that will enhance your practice and benefit your clients.

top neck class

Find it, Feel it, then Fix it.

The emphasis is balance and flexibility.

Taum's approach is based on his apprenticeship with Lauren Berry and his 40 years of study, practice, and teaching of The Berry Method®.

This 6-hour class focuses on corrective techniques for rebalancing the regional muscles that play a central role in maintaining balance and pain-free movement in the neck region.

This class not only enhances your understanding but also equips you with precision techniques, enabling you to understand and utilize powerful tactile tools for helping your clients.

Rest assured, this class is not just about theoretical knowledge.

It's about equipping you with practical, immediately applicable skills that will enhance your practice and benefit your clients.

Find it, Feel it, Fix it.

neck class background 2 phone

Learning Outcomes:

Students will demonstrate proficiency in corrective massage, which includes precision palpation and application of therapeutic corrective massage techniques.

This course will help attendees understand how to utilize corrective massage techniques to support the upper back and neck region's innate balance and pain-free movement patterns.


Learn more about the relationship your neck has with your skin.

Muscular-Skeletal Homeostasis

When standing, our central nervous system continuously monitors, manages, and maintains our body's relationship with gravity. This background process is natural, unconscious, and automatic.

This helps us understand that, at a primal level, we all share a common reaction to falling.

The medical term for this is 'Muscular-Skeletal Homeostasis,' derived from the Greek words for "same" and "steady." Physical balance is an important component of Homeostasis and is active whenever we are upright.

When the upper back and neck regions send the 'pain' signal, one way to interpret the message is that unbalanced tensions have exceeded the body's ability to adapt.

The Fundamentals of Corrective Massage

 A Holistic approach.

It serves to remember that we, as therapists, do not heal anything. We simply recognize, respect, and support the body's 'built-in' healing ability.

  Corrective Massage recognizes the importance of balanced relationships, movements, and interactions throughout the body's soft tissues*. These relationships include natural anatomical positions and functionally balanced movement unimpeded by soft tissue tension.

  Functional balance implies that our soft tissues are working harmoniously to support pain-free, healthy movement and function. 

  In Taum's world of Corrective Massage, considering all bodily movement as an orchestration of soft tissue relationships is a fundamental principle and starting point.
These foundational principles include familiarity with
Equilibrium and Homeostasis. AKA Balance.

For example: Walking initially appears to be a simple activity. It actually involves a complex orchestration of numerous soft tissues.

A symphony of movement:

Our body requires over 200 of our 600 muscles to take one step. Of those 200, many serve as compensating adapters working in the background to keep us upright as we walk. While all our weight is on the right foot, those background muscles are adapting and counterbalancing so we do not fall over.

Each and every soft tissue plays a vital role in the body's ability to move and adapt to unbalanced tensions. 

Our bodies can adapt to those tensions. 

But only so far... 

Limping is an example of crossing the adaptation line.

  Pain serves as an alert that unbalanced tension has exceeded the body's ability to adapt, and corrective therapy is required.

  The foundational focus of this unique therapy is to interpret the alert and then identify and correct the soft tissue tensions and imbalances that have created those alerts.

  Corrective massage has repeatedly proven to be an efficient and effective method to reduce and relieve pain. 

I hope this information serves you and those you serve.

signature taum

*Muscles, tendons, ligaments, membranes, and viscera.

Medical disclaimer:

Many of us have tension and pain in our own upper back and neck regions. You may very well find tension and pain reduction during the class.

The class includes applying and receiving corrective massage pressure and practicing with other students. 

Participants can expect the class to include Taum demonstrating the pressure and direction (The 'Feel') for each corrective massage technique. 

Be sure to inform Taum of your painful areas before he demonstrates so he can avoid increasing your pain. 

This class is all about reducing pain, not increasing it.

The information on this website and in Taum's classes is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or other health care provider. 

Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider. We suggest you send them the link to this page.

Our intent is not to replace any relationship that exists or should exist between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional.

You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health.

You know best your own body and its limits.

You are responsible for protecting those limits.

Respect those limits.

Registering for this class indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to the above information referencing 'The Medical Disclaimer information and What to expect.'


After registering, the class preparation webpage opens up, which consists primarily of videos.


700 Full Registration



