This class focuses on returning balance and fascial flexibility.
"Rebalancing the Upper Back and Neck"



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Neck balance and Skin health

A Synergistic relationship.

The relationship between neck balance and skin health involves mechanical, circulatory, neurological, and physiological factors. Proper neck balance can positively influence skin health by ensuring adequate blood flow, reducing mechanical stress, and promoting efficient nerve function. Conversely, poor neck balance can lead to skin problems through various mechanisms.

Key Relationships Between Neck Balance and Skin Health

Mechanical Factors

Pressure Distribution:

  • Balanced neck posture evenly distributes mechanical pressure across the skin, preventing localized pressure points that can cause skin breakdown, particularly in individuals with limited mobility.

Circulatory Factors.

  • Blood Flow: A balanced neck ensures that blood vessels are not compromised by regional soft tissue tensions, which can compromise healthy circulation. This circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin and removing waste products.
  • Lymphatic movement: Neck balance supportthe lymphatic system's abilityty tremoveaf metabolic waste.

Neurological Factors

  • Nerve Function: Sensory nerves from cervical dermatomes provide feedback about the skin's condition. Proper neck balance ensures these nerves function correctly, facilitating appropriate responses to environmental stimuli such as temperature and touch.
  • Autonomic Nervous System: The autonomic nervous system regulatke sweating and blood flow to the skin. A neck in balance helps maintain autonomic function, contributing to skin moisture homeostasis and temperature regulation.

Physiological Factors

  • Skin Irritation and Breakdown: Chronic postural imbalance can lead to continuous pressure on specific skin areas, causing irritation, redness, and eventual breakdown, especially in vulnerable populations.
  • Chronic Pain and Muscle Tension: Chronic neck pain is often associated with muscle tension and imbalance, can affect skin health by causing areas of increased pressure and reduced mobility.


  • The relationship between neck balance and skin health highlights the importance and benefits of maintaining and encouraging neck balance.

Therapeutic Approaches

Taums 'Neck Class' focuses on improving neck balance, which can significantly benefit skin health.

Your Joomla Page

Example of balancing a neck:

During our session focusing on his lower back, Leo asked if I could do anything for his painful, dry, and cracked hands. He also noted that regular washing and scrubbing would not clean them. After 6 months of using his Dr. suggested medication, not much had changed.

My initial thoughts were that muscle tension had compromised blood, nerve, and lymphatic flow to his skin, similar to standing on a garden hose.

I simply included 10 minutes of neck rebalancing techniques, and the results are shown here.


Leo Jan 2 2024

2 weeks after that session...Leo Jan 16 2024

Click here for more information on this class.

(you might want your therapists to know this)

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"Rebalancing the Upper Back and Neck"
TBD in Truckee.

Click here for more information.

(you want your therapists to know this)

Neck balance and Skin health

A Synergistic relationship.

The relationship between neck balance and skin health involves mechanical, circulatory, neurological, and physiological factors. Proper neck balance can positively influence skin health by ensuring adequate blood flow, reducing mechanical stress, and promoting efficient nerve function. Conversely, poor neck balance can lead to skin problems through various mechanisms.

Key Relationships Between Neck Balance and Skin Health

Mechanical Factors

Pressure Distribution:

  • Balanced neck posture evenly distributes mechanical pressure across the skin, preventing localized pressure points that can cause skin breakdown, particularly in individuals with limited mobility.

Circulatory Factors.

  • Blood Flow: A balanced neck ensures that blood vessels are not compromised by regional soft tissue tensions, which can compromise healthy circulation. This circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin and removing waste products.
  • Lymphatic movement: Neck balance supportthe lymphatic system's abilityty tremoveaf metabolic waste.

Neurological Factors

  • Nerve Function: Sensory nerves from cervical dermatomes provide feedback about the skin's condition. Proper neck balance ensures these nerves function correctly, facilitating appropriate responses to environmental stimuli such as temperature and touch.
  • Autonomic Nervous System: The autonomic nervous system regulatke sweating and blood flow to the skin. A neck in balance helps maintain autonomic function, contributing to skin moisture homeostasis and temperature regulation.

Physiological Factors

  • Skin Irritation and Breakdown: Chronic postural imbalance can lead to continuous pressure on specific skin areas, causing irritation, redness, and eventual breakdown, especially in vulnerable populations.
  • Chronic Pain and Muscle Tension: Chronic neck pain is often associated with muscle tension and imbalance, can affect skin health by causing areas of increased pressure and reduced mobility.


  • The relationship between neck balance and skin health highlights the importance and benefits of maintaining and encouraging neck balance.

Therapeutic Approaches

Taums 'Neck Class' focuses on improving neck balance, which can significantly benefit skin health.

Your Joomla Page

Example of balancing a neck:

During our session focusing on his lower back, Leo asked if I could do anything for his painful, dry, and cracked hands. He also noted that regular washing and scrubbing would not clean them. After 6 months of using his Dr. suggested medication, not much had changed.

My initial thoughts were that muscle tension had compromised blood, nerve, and lymphatic flow to his skin, similar to standing on a garden hose.

I simply included 10 minutes of neck rebalancing techniques, and the results are shown here.


Leo Jan 2 2024

2 weeks after that session...Leo Jan 16 2024

Click here for more information.

(you might want your therapists to know this)

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