Why shorter classes?

4 hr knee

The reasoning behind a shorter format.

My classes are for therapists dedicated to helping people achieve pain-free movement.

One of my goals is for you to become efficiently effective with Corrective Massage faster than I did.

Looking back on these 40+ years of studying and practicing The Lauren Berry Method® of Corrective Massage, I would have jumped on shorter, more 'digestible' classes had they been available.

Have you ever felt 'Brain Fog' at the end of a class?

My shorter teaching format allows everyone in the class, including me, to maintain the sustained high energy and the intense focus required for dynamic learning.

This level of learning allows specific content depth, student engagement, opportunities for active participation, and a process where students can grasp, understand, and utilize the core concepts in their therapeutic practice.

The information presented in all my classes contains core tools and techniques that can fit into any session.

It serves to consider that for over 40 years, the foundation of my work and teaching have been modeled using Lauren Berry as a guide. Consider... Lauren efficiently and effectively saw dozens of clients a day throughout his career. One of the reasons he was so popular, efficient, and successful is that he focused on and understood the core elements contributing to his clients' concerns.*

Lauren's office had a sequentially efficient system where the person would check in for their appointment and wait in the men's or women's sauna and hot tub. When Lauren was ready for them, one of his assistants would escort the client to one of his therapy rooms. Just inside the therapy room, by the door, would be a small shelf that held intake notes on the client's concerns.

Lauren would enter the room, look at a 4x6 card showing him the current concern, and proceed to work on that person.

During my apprenticeship in the late 70s to early 80s, when he was slowing down, Lauren saw an average of 25 clients daily. His system, like his work, was functionally efficient.

Find it, Feel it, Fix it.

You can expect to learn the core elements influencing the class focus within my classes. For example, within my 4 hr Knee class, you will be taught Lauren's magical 'Medial Collateral Ligament' and 'Meniscus' corrective soft tissue manipulation techniques.


Learn more about Lauren here.

The advantages of a shorter format.

 1. Time Efficiency

 - Saves Time: The most obvious benefit is that participants invest less time in training. This can be crucial in fast-paced environments where time is a limited resource.

 2. Focused and Streamlined Content

 - Prioritization of Key Concepts: The class focuses on the most useful and essential information.

 - Clarity of Focus: The training focuses on core principles and skills, making it easier for participants to absorb the most important takeaways.

 3. Improved Engagement

 - Less Fatigue: Participants may be more engaged and attentive in a shorter course. Long classes can lead to mental fatigue, causing information retention to drop off.

 - Better Concentration: The class can be more focused, keeping participants on task and avoiding distractions from lengthy background information.

 4. Reduced Cognitive Overload

 - Less Information Overload: A shorter class can prevent the cognitive overload that often comes with longer classes, improving long-term retention.

 - Focused Learning Sessions: Smaller, more digestible chunks of information are more accessible for learners to process.

 5. Increased Flexibility

 - Adaptability to Different Schedules: A 4-hour class is more manageable and easier to fit into a single day, giving participants more control over their schedules and making it easier to attend and repeat.

 6. Higher Retention Rates: The condensed format encourages participants to retain essential information more easily.

 7. Immediate Application

 - Immediate Application of Knowledge: A condensed training session can get participants to the practical application of knowledge faster. By focusing on essentials and reducing the learning time, learners can quickly implement what they’ve learned, empowering them to apply their knowledge without a long delay between theoretical understanding and practice.


The primary benefits of condensing a 12-hour class into 4 hours include increased time efficiency, improved engagement, streamlined and focused content, and reduced cognitive overload.

This approach creates a learning environment focusing on core concepts and skills, eliminating non-essential material while maintaining the integrity of the learning objectives.

I imagine my work as a massage therapist would have improved faster had this approach been more available in my early years.

Lauren Berry Structural Engineer and RPT
The World Massage Festival Hall of Fame.
"When you understand the natural intelligence within the body, its mechanical operation, relationships, and structural components, you can positively influence any part of the body."

Lauren Berry Sr. 1917-1983

Lauren Berry

Registered Physical Therapist and Structural Engineer.

Lauren's story is best described to those that did not experience his work through quotes from Lauren, several published articles about him, his apprentices, and through the eyes of those that witnessed his magic.

From Alexander, a student of Lauren’s:
“I have literally seen people lined up around the block waiting to see him. I once called information to get his number, and before I even got his full name out of my mouth, the operator knew who I was talking about. She said Lauren had worked on her son and many of her friends and that he was wonderful.”*

“It is staggering to contemplate what our bodies include: camera eyes, radio ears, valves, tubes, pulleys, hinges, arches, temperature control, chemical laboratories, a constant repair system, a telegraphic nervous system, a structural frame, storage space, sewage disposal, pipelines and a variety of pumps. Such is the mechanism of the body, and….it works!" – Lauren Berry"

If you understand the force of intelligence in the body, its mechanical operation and structure, you can work on any part of the body you can reach with your hands" – Lauren Berry

Lauren Berry chose to describe his work in structural engineering terms.

To him, the body was nothing more mysterious than an engineering problem, and it can be “fixed," or brought into harmonious balance, by physical manipulations based on sound engineering principles. Since he worked as a construction engineer for much of his life, Lauren Berry has a background for his claims “The muscles are the main machinery of the body”*

Lauren was described in the 1980s by Robert Gray in his book “The Colon Health Handbook” as perhaps the ‘greatest of all manipulative healers of our time.’

He would most likely disagree with that as he avoided the word ‘healer’ and when asked, would describe himself as a good mechanic.

For those that witnessed his work, often the word magician came to mind.

Once a student of The Berry Method® becomes competent in this unique approach to massage therapy, Lauren's principles behind the magic become apparent.

From a student of Lauren’s:
"In one of the first classes, he gave an infant the ability to crawl. She was 18 months and had never crawled. lauren1

After assessing that she had been a forceps delivered child he did work that restructured her face with cranial work. He placed his hands on her head and reshaped her head with the cranial work, then took a rattle and she rolled over and crawled.
The room was in tears.

That was the moment I decided he was my teacher.

Over the years I watched him correct postural defects with only his hands and stretching bodies to move the body into alignment. He worked on me using his unique lymphatic work when I was having a serious allergic reaction and this allowed me to breathe and prevented a visit to the hospital."

Once in Redding, where most of his classes were held, he helped a young man, Garrison Gunter, who came in on crutches and was scheduled for a hip replacement. When he was finished working with him, he walked out of the room. He was told, half-jokingly, to stay off the diving board at the hotel we were having class at. While Lauren was speaking with his back to the pool, we watched out the window behind Lauren as Garrison sailed off the diving board into the pool.
Garrison no longer needed crutches.

Years later, Taum Sayers was invited to teach at the Pennsylvania State Massage Conference.

Garrison remembered that day and heard Taum was coming to town. He came to visit and tell his story...You can watch him tell his story 20 years later.





The full article is here.

Rebalancing the Knee class.

Date: Saturday, October 26th

Location: Truckee

Class size limited to 10


Learn more here.

Why shorter classes?

4 hr knee

The reasoning behind a shorter format.

My classes are for therapists dedicated to helping people achieve pain-free movement.

One of my goals is for you to become efficiently effective with Corrective Massage faster than I did.

Looking back on these 40+ years of studying and practicing The Lauren Berry Method® of Corrective Massage, I would have jumped on shorter, more 'digestible' classes had they been available.

Have you ever felt 'Brain Fog' at the end of a class?

My shorter teaching format allows everyone in the class, including me, to maintain the sustained high energy and the intense focus required for dynamic learning.

This level of learning allows specific content depth, student engagement, opportunities for active participation, and a process where students can grasp, understand, and utilize the core concepts in their therapeutic practice.

The information presented in all my classes contains core tools and techniques that can fit into any session.

It serves to consider that for over 40 years, the foundation of my work and teaching have been modeled using Lauren Berry as a guide. Consider... Lauren efficiently and effectively saw dozens of clients a day throughout his career. One of the reasons he was so popular, efficient, and successful is that he focused on and understood the core elements contributing to his clients' concerns.*

Lauren's office had a sequentially efficient system where the person would check in for their appointment and wait in the men's or women's sauna and hot tub. When Lauren was ready for them, one of his assistants would escort the client to one of his therapy rooms. Just inside the therapy room, by the door, would be a small shelf that held intake notes on the client's concerns.

Lauren would enter the room, look at a 4x6 card showing him the current concern, and proceed to work on that person.

During my apprenticeship in the late 70s to early 80s, when he was slowing down, Lauren saw an average of 25 clients daily. His system, like his work, was functionally efficient.

Find it, Feel it, Fix it.

You can expect to learn the core elements influencing the class focus within my classes. For example, within my 4 hr Knee class, you will be taught Lauren's magical 'Medial Collateral Ligament' and 'Meniscus' corrective soft tissue manipulation techniques.


Learn more about Lauren here.

The benefits of Taums classes.

So that more therapists can learn and understand Lauren's core work, I will include what is often referred to in our small circle as part of 'The Secret Handshake.'

As far as we know, these techniques and protocols are unique to The Berry Method® of Corrective Massage.

You will not learn these elsewhere.

As an example of the advantages of knowledge and experience gained through time and 'outside the box,' I like the story of the Mechanical Engineer. (Lauren was a Structural Engineer and Registered Physical Therapist.

A giant ship's engine broke down, and no one could repair it, so they hired a Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years of experience.
He inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After seeing everything, the engineer unloaded his bag and pulled out a small hammer.
He knocked something gently. Soon, the engine came to life again.
The engine has been fixed!
A week later, the engineer billed the ship owner $20,000 for repairing the giant ship.
"What?!" said the owner.
"You did almost nothing. Give us a detailed bill."
The answer is simple:
Tap with a hammer: $2
Know where to knock and how much to knock: $19,998
The importance of appreciating one's expertise and experience...because those are the results of struggles, experiments, and even tears.
If I do a job in 30 minutes, I spent 20 years learning how to do that in 30 minutes. You owe me for the years, not the minutes.

Lauren Berry Structural Engineer and RPT
The World Massage Festival Hall of Fame.
"When you understand the natural intelligence within the body, its mechanical operation, relationships, and structural components, you can positively influence any part of the body."

Lauren Berry Sr. 1917-1983

Lauren Berry

Registered Physical Therapist and Structural Engineer.

Lauren's story is best described to those that did not experience his work through quotes from Lauren, several published articles about him, his apprentices, and through the eyes of those that witnessed his magic.

From Alexander, a student of Lauren’s:
“I have literally seen people lined up around the block waiting to see him. I once called information to get his number, and before I even got his full name out of my mouth, the operator knew who I was talking about. She said Lauren had worked on her son and many of her friends and that he was wonderful.”*

“It is staggering to contemplate what our bodies include: camera eyes, radio ears, valves, tubes, pulleys, hinges, arches, temperature control, chemical laboratories, a constant repair system, a telegraphic nervous system, a structural frame, storage space, sewage disposal, pipelines and a variety of pumps. Such is the mechanism of the body, and….it works!" – Lauren Berry"

If you understand the force of intelligence in the body, its mechanical operation and structure, you can work on any part of the body you can reach with your hands" – Lauren Berry

Lauren Berry chose to describe his work in structural engineering terms.

To him, the body was nothing more mysterious than an engineering problem, and it can be “fixed," or brought into harmonious balance, by physical manipulations based on sound engineering principles. Since he worked as a construction engineer for much of his life, Lauren Berry has a background for his claims “The muscles are the main machinery of the body”*

Lauren was described in the 1980s by Robert Gray in his book “The Colon Health Handbook” as perhaps the ‘greatest of all manipulative healers of our time.’

He would most likely disagree with that as he avoided the word ‘healer’ and when asked, would describe himself as a good mechanic.

For those that witnessed his work, often the word magician came to mind.

Once a student of The Berry Method® becomes competent in this unique approach to massage therapy, Lauren's principles behind the magic become apparent.

From a student of Lauren’s:
"In one of the first classes, he gave an infant the ability to crawl. She was 18 months and had never crawled. lauren1

After assessing that she had been a forceps delivered child he did work that restructured her face with cranial work. He placed his hands on her head and reshaped her head with the cranial work, then took a rattle and she rolled over and crawled.
The room was in tears.

That was the moment I decided he was my teacher.

Over the years I watched him correct postural defects with only his hands and stretching bodies to move the body into alignment. He worked on me using his unique lymphatic work when I was having a serious allergic reaction and this allowed me to breathe and prevented a visit to the hospital."

Once in Redding, where most of his classes were held, he helped a young man, Garrison Gunter, who came in on crutches and was scheduled for a hip replacement. When he was finished working with him, he walked out of the room. He was told, half-jokingly, to stay off the diving board at the hotel we were having class at. While Lauren was speaking with his back to the pool, we watched out the window behind Lauren as Garrison sailed off the diving board into the pool.
Garrison no longer needed crutches.

Years later, Taum Sayers was invited to teach at the Pennsylvania State Massage Conference.

Garrison remembered that day and heard Taum was coming to town. He came to visit and tell his story...You can watch him tell his story 20 years later.


The full article is here.

Rebalancing the Knee class.

Date: Saturday, October 26th

Location: Truckee

Class size limited to 10


Learn more here.