3 things on Thursday:

Expect to walk out of this 1-hr class with

3 'Go To' de-stressors added to your self-help toolbox.

 You are ready to let go of your pain. 
 When:  TBD 
 Where:  Lift Wellness Workspace & Conference Center


The Upper back and Neck class:

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This self-help class offers efficient and effective 'do-it-yourself' remedial techniques to reduce upper back and neck pain. 

It's relatively simple.
Muscles can become 'stuck.'
Stuck muscles create tension.
Tension creates pain.

This class is about reducing tensions in the upper back and neck.

Relief may be easier than you think.


Manual therapies share the common goal of moving stuck tissue.
The intention and goal for this class is for you to learn, remember, and feel how to do 3 remedial movements to reduce and prevent neck strain. They can serve you as both a response when your neck is talking to you with the 'tension and pain' signals and as preventative healthy habits.

This approach has evolved from studying, practicing, sharing, and teaching The Lauren Berry Method® of Corrective Massage for over 40 years.

This class is for you if you seek knowledge and effective 'do-it-yourself' remedial techniques to reduce upper back and neck pain.

What to bring:

Come prepared, wearing comfortable clothing so you can move without restrictions and a yoga pad. (I will bring several to use during class.)

A really handy self-help tool:

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The Thera Cane can be very efficient and effective for getting stuck muscles to start moving... especially in your mid and upper back, which directly affects the neck region.

If you do not have a Thera Cane currently, you should consider acquiring one before class to bring with you. If supplies are available, there may be several available for purchase at class for $30. Give me a heads-up if you want one. Please arrive a few minutes early.

They are also available here.


Taum who?

Taum began his 40+ year journey within Corrective Massage shortly after moving to Squaw Valley in 1976. The foundation of his work began in 1979 with his apprenticeship with Lauren Berry, RPT and Structural Engineer. This path has seen him invited to work with the US Ski team, the SF 49ers, professional runners, and cyclists.

For any and all ages, the focus is returning to pain-free living.

Taum's approach recognizes that the body is innately programmed to self-heal naturally when soft tissue relationships are balanced. His goal is to reduce the imbalances that interfere with that uniquely amazing ability.

Introduction to Corrective Massage

Intention and Imagination.


   Corrective Massage recognizes that muscles, tendons, ligaments, and viscera have optimum anatomical positions, functions, relationships, and movement patterns.

   Correcting soft tissue misplacement and distortion is at the core of this amazing work.

   Sometimes it's as simple as putting things back where they belong.


repo   A useful image is one of pushing or nudging dried strings of glue across glass with your fingertips. Consider that the attachment points of the tendon represent a concentration of force in one small area (the entire force of the muscle focuses tension on the bone through the tendon at its attachment). Because of this, the tension/force (pounds per square inch) at the attachment point is higher than at any point in the body of the muscle itself. There are pain receptors at the bone surface (periosteum), which in turn can make the insertion point very sensitive. It is thus helpful to expect these points to be tender and adjust your pressure accordingly. Consider that you are not so much repositioning the fibers to an exact position as much as you are introducing movement towards a balanced situation, thus reducing adhesions and removing distortion. The muscle tissue, upon having the 'duct tape' removed, will most often be able to nestle back to its optimal location. Note that one indication of a misplaced and distorted muscle is when the fibers tactilely 'stand out' with that all too familiar stringy/ropey feeling. Additionally, when muscle fibers are in their most functional position, they usually blend back in with the surrounding fibers and 'tactily disappear'.

   The attachment points can serve as an important reference, so after addressing the surrounding regional tensions and distortions within the belly of the tender muscle, you can often return to a previously tender attachment to find it has relaxed. This can also serve to instill confidence in your client that there are benefits to the process.

   By applying these techniques, you will have tapped some of the innate intelligence of the body, intentionally encouraging the muscle fiber to release chronic tension by overriding its protective state of contraction via the GTO, thus "reprogramming" it via the nervous system to relax. You will also have encouraged the muscle out of a distorted position and back towards a situation where it has a better opportunity to relax and repair.

   This is an excerpt from Taum's article published in the July 2002 issue of Massage Magazine on Mid-Back Tension.*

Click here for the full article: "Intention and Imagination"


In retrospect, a more accurate title might have been

"Defending the Rhomboids."


Fellow Bodyworkers, another title for this class could be:

'Self-care for decompressing Upper Back and Neck.'

You can expect to gather unique insights and efficient techniques to apply in your practice.

This class is for those seeking knowledge and practical techniques to reduce tension and pain in the upper back and especially the neck.

From teaching at the Edgar Cayce school in Virginia Beach to being invited to work on the US Ski Team and 49ers, Taum brings 40+ years of experience and insights to share in this class.

When you register for this class, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to all of the above information, including the medical disclaimer information.

The class size is limited to 12.  





Your class homework and handout will be available after signing up.

I enthusiastically suggest repeating classes to amplify benefits, refine efficiency, and increase effectiveness.

In repetiton there is clarity.

You are worth the investment.