

What is Anatomical Balance?

  Simply put...Anatomical balance is an ideal upright state where the weight of the body rests on the skeleton. In that balanced state, the muscles are able to perform their work, then rest and recuperate between tasks while the body's weight is supported by the skeleton.

  Muscle Management's goal is to present modalities and information about your body in a manner that is easy to understand, useful, and will aid you in your goals of regaining and maintaining your personal physical balance and health.

The price of adaptation...
   The human body performs many tasks that include self-repair, maintenance, and an incredible ability to adapt. We fall, we get up, we pay too little respect to the pain (we have more important things to do), adapt to the pain, and move on with our busy lives. But at what price? Over time, how many adaptations can we continue to maintain and still function without interfering with those self-repair and maintenance abilities?

  Indications of an excessive level of adaptation can include increased aches and pains throughout the body, deterioration in balanced posture, loss of mobility and flexibility....and even shoe wear pattern changes.

Thoughts on The Berry Method® of Corrective Massage.

  Lauren's system of massage approaches the human body as a mechanical structure (among many abilities, he was a structural engineer). The primary component of the human structure includes a central support tower (skeleton) with (muscles), levers, fulcrums (bones and joints), and a hydraulic system (blood and lymph) that includes pumps and valves. When in a state of balance and ease, the weight of the body is supported by the central support tower while the guy wires are responsible for movement and stabilization, and the hydraulic system manages the lubrication, nutrient delivery, and much, much more.

  Imagine these components after a hard fall while skiing, heavy manual labor, or hunched over a computer for hours. The body might react to these tensions with a tightening of the muscles and compensation adaptations in its foundation region of the lower back - the location of some of the body's largest bones and muscles. There may be no visible indication of any potential lasting problem, as the skin would quickly heal over any underlying muscular distortion.
   However, the trained therapist might observe that the underlying tissue region had distorted. Any stress within this heavy tissue will produce compensations in the lighter muscles above and below in order to maintain its automatic and continuous objective of a balanced relationship with gravity. 

  This style of bodywork/massage is termed "corrective" as the intention is to relieve tensions in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, correcting distortion and thus returning the overall "structure" to a healthier state of balance and ease. This includes repositioning and stretching the underlying tissue and moving the body through the natural range of motion that is often diminished due to adaptive compensation.

  Lauren continuously observed that function and structure were directly related, and any improvement in balancing the structure would improve the body's overall functioning. The primary goal is not so much to "heal" the body but to remove interference and allow the body to use its incredible innate abilities to heal and maintain itself.
The Lauren Berry Method® gives postural balance and ease a tremendous amount of respect...

Taum Sayers is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider.

Provider# 152386-00