Medical disclaimer.

This website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services.

The information within this website does not apply to all conditions, disorders, and health-related issues.

The information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or other health care provider.

Contact your healthcare provider promptly if you suspect a medical problem.

Taum Sayers is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that he has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions or determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

Taum's self-help information is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

These are powerfully efficient and effective techniques. 

It serves to understand that:

  • Manual therapies share the common goal of moving stuck tissue.
  • These techniques do not heal anything by themselves. Rather, they support the body's unique natural ability to heal itself.
  • Precision is more important than pressure.
  • Always begin with light, gentle pressure.
  • I highly recommend against applying deep tissue-type pressure, which can create pain. Our agreed-upon intention is to reduce pain, not create it.

You know best your own body and its limits. 

Respect those limits.

Even mild pain can be troubling, at least at first. It is usually safe to try simple home remedies for a while.

Seek immediate medical attention if you:

  • Have severe pain or swelling, especially after an injury.
  • Have an open wound or a wound that is oozing pus.
  • Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, and tenderness in the affected area, or you have a fever over 100 F (37.8 C).

The online class includes practicing and performing manual therapy techniques and protocols that include:

  • Active movements.
  • Applying finger and hand pressure.
  • Positioning your ankle upon your knee to practice the techniques. 

You practice on yourself, and then once you feel comfortable with the techniques, you can add them to your tactile toolbox and take them to work.



This ankle-upon-the-knee position is utilized throughout Taum's online classes and can create painful stress for some people.

  leg on ankle  

Should this position create pain for you, you are advised not to sign up for this class and attempt these techniques.




This class is all about reducing pain, not increasing it.

You know best your own body and its limits. 

Respect those limits.

The information on this website and in Taum's classes is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your physician, therapist, nutritionist, or other health care provider. 

Consult Your Physician or Health Care Provider. We suggest you send them the link to this page.

Our intent is not to replace any relationship that exists or should exist between you and your medical doctor or other health care professional.

You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health.

Once again, you know best your own body and its limits.

Respect those limits.

The human body contains over 600 muscles

and 200 bones.

Our focus is the muscles.

Great care is always advisable.

Have the confidence to do a good job,

and the common sense to respect your limitations.